The tropic vibrant red-skinned, sweet dragon fruit is a packed punch of jaw-dropping health benefits, as it is high in nutrients and contains: -
• Dietary fibers.
• Essential vitamins and minerals
• Low calories
Dragon fruit helps you fight chronic diseases as it is loaded with antioxidants that work to neutralize free radiatus and prevents damage to the cells and inflammation.
Other antioxidants like: -
• Vitamin C helps to keep you away from cancer risks & improves the immune system.
• Betalains combats oxidative stress and may have the ability to suppress cancer cells.
• Carotenoids that give dragon fruit its vibrant color are linked to reducing the risk of cancer & heart disease.
Aside from all mentioned above, Dragon Fruit is also the best option to boost your Iron level as it serves 8% of (RDI).
Have your loved fruit that is filled with minerals and health-boosting vitamins by chopping it with your daily salad, dipping it into a bowl of yogurt, or by mixing it into the recipe of your Oreo Shake you can have a healthy power pack with each of your snacks.
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he also good and high product see like look
kelin patel on fab 5, 2021he also good and high product see like look
he also good and fresh fruit organic product see like look
Melvin louis on fab 5, 2021he also good and fresh fruit organic product see like look